Hunting has been something I have loved my whole life, from the day my dad and grandfather took me on my first Moose hunt when I was 13 in Newfoundland. From that day on I would count down the days to next September.
As I got older I began to expand the game I chased to fill the gaps between Moose seasons. Spring Bear became a great fix for my longing to be in the woods hunting. Then when fall came it was back to Moose hunting. Then my brother and I got pretty good at it, sometimes filling tags early in the season. That led to a pretty unhealthy obsession with waterfowl hunting.
Before I knew it we were up to our necks in Duck and Goose decoys, buying boats to get into the best spot and building duck blinds. I was chasing every game animal possibly filling freezers and eating well.
Now living in Ontario with White-tailed Deer and Eastern Turkeys on the menu, I find my curiosity peaks with the new challenges that of chasing new game.
That’s what Behind the Hunt is about, fellow outdoorsmen sharing stories and teaching each other how to be more successful in the field. So join me as I talk with fellow hunters and outdoorsmen to see what makes them tick and why they love this game so much.

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
The Brand I believe in to get the job done.
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